Wonderful people of Guyana

The main wealth of Guyana - is it

Merry holidays in Guyana
Fascinating history of Guyana

The history of Guyana unique and amazing.

Kaychur - a spectacular waterfall.

Kaychur Waterfall - the most powerful and strong

Amazing nature of Guyana

Victoria Regia - the national flower

Unique France

Неповторимая Франция

If you have never been to Europe, and expressed a desire to visit it, you will certainly need to start it with the knowledge of France.
France - a country that most clearly reflects the history and tradition of Western Europe. The French are extremely patriotic, awing to the tradition, but not as conservative as it may seem at first glance. To this experience, it is better to go for Christmas, then the whole country is turning into a little story.

Неповторимая Франция
France - this whole cultural heritage, because there remained not only a huge number of monuments, but also supported by the atmosphere and the history of each cubbyhole of this beautiful country.
Than the glory of this country? Of course cheeses, wine, cuisine, fashion and romance. We examine every "celebrity" separately.

Неповторимая Франция
France sold more than five hundred varieties of cheese are produced in 17 regions: Maroilles, Camamber, Pont l '? V? Que, Brie de Meaux, Munster, Chaource, Comt ?, Mont d'Or, Morbier, Form d'Ambert, Saint - Nectaire, Bleu d'Auvergne, Reblochon, Beaufort, Cantal, Roquefor, Ossau - Iraty. The most delicious and popular cheeses are named after the region where they are produced, such as Roquefort, Brie, Dor Blue, etc. Here everyone can find cheese like, even those who have never loved.

Неповторимая Франция
As part of the winemaking, France - the largest wine producer in the world. Who in the world has not heard about the French wine? Who would not want to try it, enjoy all the diversity of its bouquet? Who has not heard such grape varieties as Chardonnay, Sauvignon, Cabernet? The French are very proud of their wines and to have been able to preserve the old technology of their production. It is in this country was invented and devised a well-known beverage, without which no cost, no feast, champagne, in the same region of Champagne.

Неповторимая Франция
Of course, in this country there are many attractions that are described in multiple guidebooks, so talk and describe them meaningless. What are the main synonymous with "France"? This, of course, love and romance. These words can not accurately describe atmosphere, which is impregnated with this country. Nowhere else will you feel such a saturation of the senses in every town, in every street and every corner of a country.

Неповторимая Франция

Such atmosphere soothes, nourishes forces encouraged to life, despite the fact, what color you painted for life band. France can come as a loved one, friends, family, and alone. You will never feel lonely here or deprivation attention.
Everyone in the world at least once in life, but I have to visit this amazing and wonderful country.