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The history of Guyana unique and amazing.

Kaychur - a spectacular waterfall.

Kaychur Waterfall - the most powerful and strong

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Rituals of Sacrifice in the Indian peoples of South America

Rituals of Indian peoples in South America are very diverse and filled with magical meaning for the participants. There Aymara tribe, which act on the priority of sacrifice in the performance of any ritual. They believe that every ceremony should finally terminate or be tied to a sacrificial gift to the gods and anything or anyone. Religion Aymara suggests that being divided into communities, they also symbolize the human body and, therefore, each community should reflect the specific area of ​​the body. For example, Central Aymara living community is an association of the heart.

Observance of rituals for all the tribes of South America plays an important role. Every ritual in Aymara separately each community must provide its own symbol, then there is a certain image, which could reflect that identity, which is reflected in the location of the community regarding the human body. Thus, the upper of the community you want to see the dried llama fetuses, wool of different colors and a silver cross. The cross in this case will reflect the character of the heavens. The central community, or region, usually provides the blood that can be displayed watering red wine sacrifice, as well as fat Lama as the symbol of power. At the prerogative of the central zone and include metal, which is often reflected in coins.

The lower zone is usually reflected by various aromatic plants and seeds. It may be of coca leaves and mint, olibanum, and some seeds of critical plants. Thus, each community could participate in the ceremony, because it provided items for the sacrifice. The position of each community are mandatory subjects and their composition is generally unchanged. Also, Indian rituals aymavara population share of the tribe on the right and left solely to gender. The men stood up on the right side, the women - on the left side. Sacred considered part of the male half, and here during the rituals rose elder and his assistants.