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The history of Guyana unique and amazing.

Kaychur - a spectacular waterfall.

Kaychur Waterfall - the most powerful and strong

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Victoria Regia - the national flower

An example of a contract for Chinese immigrants

Below is an example contracts for Chinese immigrants in 1873.

The agreement between the Chong Su, a native of China, and Theophilus Sempsonom, Esquire, acting as agent for the government of the colony British Guiana in the West Indies.

Emigration Office in Canton to open a coolie in the colony of British Guiana. Chong Soo agreed to go on board and go to British Guiana to work there and the conditions set forth below.

1. I agree to work in British Guiana in the direction of an immigration agent or any person to whom it may delegate this Agreement.
2. The service life of 5 years, starting with the first working day. If on arrival I will be too sick to work, then work must begin within eight days after my recovery.
3. I agree to do any work on which will be sent in any city in the fields, in private homes, etc.
4. I do not have to work on Sundays, except when I'm hired as domestic helpers or care for animals. In these cases, and in cases of necessity, I have to work on Sundays. In all other cases, all Sundays should be at my disposal.
5. If I work more than nine and a half hours in one day, then I am entitled to work in the same period, less the other day. If this is impossible, the employer must pay me extra hours.
6. If at the expiry of the contract I do not want to return to China, and if the administration will allow me to remain in Guyana, the owner must pay me $ 50, under the Treaty, for my own use. But if I want to conclude a contract for the next 5 years, half of the sum will be provided to my boss, but at the end of 5 years I will be refunded the amount of $ 50 in lieu of returning to China.
7. If after arrival, I'll be terminally ill, the owner must immediately pay me $ 50 to help return to China. If the owner does not, can I ask the authorities to use them to get the money.
8. At any place of work, I must obey the rules of law and regulations. On the other hand, in case of infringement of my interests my boss, I can appeal to the superintendent of the colony to the complaint.
9. Since signing the contract I can not independently go back to China. I must first obtain the consent of Theophilus Sempsona.
10. This contract obliges coolie laborers to go only to British Guiana, and at any other place.
11. Within 5 years, wages should be $ 4 per month or the equivalent in gold. Salaries are paid monthly and may not be expired.
12. Every day I must be provided food in the amount of 250 grams of meat and 1.5 kg of other useful products.
13. In case of illness care and medications will be provided free of charge. The cost of health care takes on a whole host.
14. Every year I will be given a costume and one blanket.
15. Moving to British Guiana will be given to Theophilus Sampson.
16. The fare will be refunded in exile by vyschityvaniya $ 1 per month until full repayment of travel. No other debt can not be used to prolong the lifetime specified in this contract.
17. Three sets of swimwear will be provided free of charge exile, is seen as a gift and is not refundable.
18. While working in British Guiana employee shall be protected by the law of this country. On his return to China, this protection will be canceled.
19. As stated above, my salary should be U.S. $ 4 per month and I declare my readiness to go to British Guiana in these conditions. Even if I heard that workers in British Guiana receive a larger salary, I should be satisfied with their salaries and other additional benefits granted to me under this Agreement.
This Contract has been read, understood and explained in full. Signatory can not later complain that they were ignorant. This contract was signed in English and has a Chinese translation of the application.
Each signatory has its own copy.
Chung December 11, 1873.
Theophilus Sampson, Esq.

To date, the contract included items 8,9,10 and 14 of the 22 points of the Convention on the emigration of coolies.
Article 8 In the Contract shall be indicated 1. Destination and duration of action. 2. Terms of returning emigrants back to their country at the end of the contract and specifies the conditions for payment of travel. 3. The number of working days per year and hours of work. 4. Wages, rations, clothing and other advantages of emigration. 5. Uncompensated care. 6. Deductions from salary for appropriate purposes. 7. Any clause contrary to this subsection is void.
Article 9 The term of the contract shall not exceed 5 years, after which the amount of deductions from wages to cover the return of immigrants to their homeland. In the event of his or her consent to remain in the colony, this amount will be paid to him in her arms.
The emigrant can always opt for the second contract, for which he paid half the premium of the cost of returning to China. In the case of disability and inability to work emigrant can be returned to China due to the accumulated amount.
Article 10 of the emigrant can not work more than 6 days a week and not more than 9.5 hours per day.
Article 14 Any advances immigrants are officially banned, except for the arrangement of loans for the family if the family would follow him. Such advances are deducted from the salary of $ 1 dollar a month until the full cost. Any credits to be issued to immigrants for a period not exceeding the term of the contract. In case of excess of the contract, the loan is void and can not be an obstacle to the return of the immigrant in China
Article 22 The distribution of immigrants in the work of the husband should not be separated from his wife and children under the age of 15 years. Work can not change employer without his consent, except in cases where the plantation passed from hand to hand.

Received an advance on wages $ 0, and lifting of 10 dollars for himself and $ 25 for his wife and children.
Su Chong.

I agree to use the Su Chong to the conditions mentioned above.
Signature of the employer.

I certify that a worker whose name appears above, is selected to work on plantations LaGrange. Signed it was made in my presence.
James Crosby. Immigration agent of British Guiana.