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Fascinating history of Guyana

The history of Guyana unique and amazing.

Kaychur - a spectacular waterfall.

Kaychur Waterfall - the most powerful and strong

Amazing nature of Guyana

Victoria Regia - the national flower

Slavery and the slave trade in South America


рабство и работорговляSince the discovery of America and the development of new territories was widespread use of plantation slavery. In the slave trade were involved in all European countries are faring Americas.
One of the goals of the Dutch government during sozdaniyaVest-Indian campaign in 1621 was to capture its share of the slave trade, which was controlled by the Portuguese. At that time, Portugal was in alliance with Spain, with which the Dutch were at war. Therefore, the Dutch attacked the Portuguese also captured ships and transported slaves.

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Plantation slavery was gaining momentum. With the expansion of plantations in America and growing market of slaves were set up trading companies for the supply of slaves in the colony.
History of slavery and the slave trade in the millions of slaves transported to the plantations. The British moved 1900000 slaves in their colonies in the Caribbean during the period from 1664 to 1830 years. The French moved 1650000 slaves in the period between 1664 and 1830 years. During this period, the Dutch carried 900,000 to Guyana and West Indies. These figures, of course, do not include those slaves who died during the voyage and were killed by hunters in the collection of slaves in Africa.

Рабство и работорговля в ГайанеEuropean rabotorgovye company has collected the slaves in such places as Senegal, Gambia, Niger Delta, and even as far south as the Congo River and Angola.
Captains of ships bought slaves from African chiefs directly. Across West Africa, domestic slavery existed in many nations.
Representatives of the lowest caste in these tribes were born and lived as slaves

рабство и работорговляPrisoners of war captured in tribal wars and sold to Europeans. Hunters often slaves just attacked African villages and carried off the inhabitants into captivity.
Upon arrival, the slaves were placed in the barracks and cited in the presentation. They are washed and anointed with oil to the skin glistened.
Payment from European local traders preferred to cowrie shells, local currency, and some European goods. For example, copper basins, tissues. ... In 1960, the slave was bought for goods valued at 4 pounds. One hundred years later for the slaves were given 96 meters of fabric, 52 handkerchiefs, a large copper basin, 2 rifles, 25 barrels of gunpowder, 2 bags of lead shot, 20 knives, four iron pots, 4 hats, 14 liters of cognac.
From the collection of slaves were transported by boat to the ship. Slaves were considered white sailors, cannibals, and the ships of hell. Sometimes they rose up, and sometimes jumped overboard and died.

Рабство и работорговля в ГайанеShip within 3 months of traveling along the coast to gather more slaves on the other collection sites. Then went to the shores of America.
The trip takes an average of 5 to 8 weeks.
Each slave ship was built to transport large numbers of slaves, 450. But they are often

transported up to 600 slaves.
They fed the slaves on deck. The reason for high mortality rates were smallpox, dysentery and other infections. Roughly estimated that died during transport to 10% of the slaves.
Blemish of European civilization - the slave trade lasted about 300 years, from 1550 to 1850.