Wonderful people of Guyana

The main wealth of Guyana - is it

Merry holidays in Guyana
Fascinating history of Guyana

The history of Guyana unique and amazing.

Kaychur - a spectacular waterfall.

Kaychur Waterfall - the most powerful and strong

Amazing nature of Guyana

Victoria Regia - the national flower

Amerindians in Guyana

Indians of South America - население Южной Америкиremains quite advanced civilizations and cultural identities.

Most of the civilizations of South America has been destroyed and wiped out the invaders. The remains of peoples and tribes went into the continent in the impenetrable forests. History Indians of South America - a sad chapter in the history of the continent and the whole shameful page in European history.
население Южной Америки Like a lot of interesting and unknown could we learn from the representatives of these civilizations.
Perhaps even this, as we do not know yet.
After the acquisition of territory by the Dutch, American Indians have gone deep into the impenetrable forests.
Once the power has passed into English hands, their goal was to attract the Indians to coastal areas and in areas of colonies of Demerara, Essequibo and Berbice.
население Южной АмерикиLocal Assembly Government has decided that the Indians should be protected by law. Guardians of the law was requested to calm the Indians in case of any disputes, and promote friendly relations with the tribes. Even the gifts were provided for the Indians in order to strengthen friendly relations.
Policy to protect the Indians was started in about 1803. Have been appointed special guardians of the Indians. They chose them among the most distinguished citizens, and they will be given salary.
Even before that, in 1799 the Dutch government has recognized the elected Indian leaders defined their territory and recognized symbols of the tribes. The British tried to
continue this policy, but it was recognized that allowing the leaders to choose leads to the election of "poor" people.

население Южной Америки

As a result, Governor Henry appointed captains of Light, which was entrusted the executive power in the colony.
The Indians were engaged in the cultivation of cassava, sweet potatoes, cut down bushes, collecting straw for the house and engaged in other similar works.
In order to attract the Indians to Christianity had been established mission. In 1831 the church was established in Bartik Missionary Society, the following year, another mission to the south. By 1840 opened three more missions to the
Essequibo. All the missions were built by the school, where in addition to religious training was conducted and initial training of Indian children.
The Indians took their Christian faith and settled on land that they singled out the government of the colony for a permanent settlement.
Now the majority of Amerindians in Guyana Christians.