Wonderful people of Guyana

The main wealth of Guyana - is it

Merry holidays in Guyana
Fascinating history of Guyana

The history of Guyana unique and amazing.

Kaychur - a spectacular waterfall.

Kaychur Waterfall - the most powerful and strong

Amazing nature of Guyana

Victoria Regia - the national flower

How to get

 Most tourists come to Guyana by air. But it is also possible to get here by ferry across the Surinam-Guyana border.
By Air:

Require a passport which expires no earlier than 6 months from the date of travel.

You must have a return ticket on the plane.

For some countries require a visa. Russia is not among them, we do not need a visa. (And also do not need visas to citizens of Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, USA).

Cheddi Jagan Airport is located 25 kilometers from the capital of Guyana, Georgetown. There are direct flights from Miami, New York, Toronto, Brazil, London, Suriname, Barbados and Trinidad. As you can see a direct flight from Moscow, no.

The easiest way to get in two ways - from Moscow to New York, New Ylok - Georgetown, but it will need a visa to the United States.

The second way to Moscow - Frankfurt - Barbados - Georgetown. Of course three transplants, but never needed a visa.

Approximate flight time from Georgetown to:

Miami - 4.5 hours

New York - 5.5 hours

London 9:00

Toronto - 6 hours.

By ferry:

Travel by ferry from Nieuw Nickerie to Springlands (at Corriverton in Guyana) which takes 40 minutes.across the Corentyne River

The way from Corriverton to Georgetown takes on the car about 3.5 hours.

You will need:


Driver license

Documents certifying the ownership of the car or the contract rent a car, rented in Suriname.

Car insurance.

At the customs point your car will be inspected, and you will be given permission to enter, which is valid for one month. If necessary, the permit may be extended by the Customs Department at Georgetown.

On the boat:

Tourists who travel on their own boats

 Come to Guyana in a small port Bartik in 35 nautical miles from the Atlantic Ocean on the Essequibo, which will be held rummage yacht.

You will need in addition to customs clearance go through immigration and to register in the General Police on First Avenue? Which runs from 8-00 to 16-00 working days.