Wonderful people of Guyana

The main wealth of Guyana - is it

Merry holidays in Guyana
Fascinating history of Guyana

The history of Guyana unique and amazing.

Kaychur - a spectacular waterfall.

Kaychur Waterfall - the most powerful and strong

Amazing nature of Guyana

Victoria Regia - the national flower


Город Летем в Гайане

City Lethem - a cultural, administrative center of the district Rupununi. It is located in the western part of the protected mountain Kunuku on the river Takata, on the border with Brazil. Inhabitants of this exotic, charming town are descendants of mixed marriages, nearly all the nations of the Old World with the local Aborigines. Colors of the city attracts the attention of many tourists.

The city has more modest, but the original architecture, buildings, cozy, quiet streets, low-cost real estate here. From here you can make a trip to Brazil. But the main attraction of this city - a branch of the Museum of Anthropology, Museum of Rupununi, this museum has a large collection of rare exhibits about the culture of the local population and its history. Another celebrity is a beautiful city Rupununi Rodeo.

Lethem Rodeo, Rodeo or Rupununi conducted annually during the Easter weekend. Its origin comes from an American Ben Hart, who moved to these parts of the Dakotas in the nineteenth century. The most respected local ranchers share the love and support of the cowboy in the rodeo, and helped make it the annual tradition.


Город Летем в ГайанеCurrently, this tradition revived, and the festival of cowboys turned into a popular sports and cultural festival. It attracts many visitors and participants from all over the world. Around the town of Lethem has many ranches, which in addition to core activities, organize horse safari in unique places in the region, develop and maintain the ecological tourism. The most popular ones are those ranches that are located in a remote part of the savannah. For example, such as: Chic Rock, Pirard, Kranambo.